
Can you improve business efficiency, productivity, or the security of a company by applying IT architecture? Absolutely! IT architect Bryan proves every day that a company can achieve and exceed its objectives through the appropriate use of information technology.

Solution Architect

A Solution Architect improves business efficiency and productivity, based on existing IT systems and procedures used by an organisation.

The entire project is broken down into small, bite-sized steps. This allows the software-related business requirements to be optimally communicated to the collaborating team. If necessary, existing code is checked for bugs and other impediments.

Bryan has considerable experience as Solution Architect with large scale project as MyCareNet, NTBO and NLBT; all projects are well over several tens of millions of euros.

Enterprise Architect

An Enterprise Architect sees the entire IT landscape as a whole. He understands its functionality and identify issues on a high level. A new improved system is then designed, using levering, and improving existing assets. Finally, the optimal path for implementing the changes is realised. This makes for a faster, cheaper, easier to use and more efficient system.

The Enterprise Architect ensures that everyone in the company is involved and kept informed of any changes. Enterprise architecture comes in many flavours: business, application, technology, methodology, security …

Bryan has considerable experience as Enterprise Architect with MIVB (SOA), Ypto (Application & Methodology) and Brussels Airlines (methodology).

Chief Architect

A Chief Architect works with the CIO and the other IT directors to coordinate all IT-related services. Emerging technologies and other industry innovations that may boost productivity and efficiency are closely monitored and proactively tested.

It is also ensured that the finished product can handle future changes, such as implementations for improvement, security updates, etc. Finally, projects are always reported and completed at defined times.

Bryan has considerable experience as Chief Architect with Brussels Airlines (corporate) and Atos (iSocial factory).


Papestichelstraat 60
9400 Appelterre-Eichem

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